Thursday 1 August 2019

This week we learned how to make an argument.
I thought this subject would be interesting as a piece of writing.
I hope you agree with it.  

Should School Uniforms 
be required?

 I think school uniforms should definitely be required because…

School uniform helps to prevent bullying.
Most bullying can be because of clothes, there are some students who can’t afford expensive or modern clothes are often an easy target to bullying. 
Imagine coming to school with a hole in your shirt and ripped pants while everyone else is wearing cool and expensive clothes 
Then a bully comes and criticizes you because of your clothes and fashion.

It also can make everyone feel more equal having matching outfits.
Poor students would no longer feel excluded because they are not wearing the same brand clothing like the richer kids.
School uniforms also makes a feeling of one big family when everyone is wearing the same clothes. 

Students will be more focused on their schoolwork than worrying about what they will wear the next day and school uniforms will save money.
 Parents will no longer have to spend a fortune on clothes because all they will need is to buy a few uniforms.
Students should go to school to learn and not have to worry about being judged by the clothes they are wearing.

School uniforms can save lots of time in the morning. 
Knowing exactly what you are wearing for the day, and having no other choice can save a big amount of time that is required on getting ready for school in the morning.
This can reduce stress in the morning for students and parents.
School uniform can save time in the afternoon as well because students who need to wear a uniform will spend less time shopping and more time studying.

For example Steve jobs (starter of apple), Mark Zuckerberg (starter & owner of Facebook), Barack Obama (previous president of USA) all wore the same outfit every day.          
Barack Obama said “We need to focus our energy on important decision making. we can’t let the small details distract our mind”

  By: Arielle Perchig

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