Thursday 29 August 2019


This week Honor, Adison, Jacob, Ayesha, Deyln, Franklan, Mathew and me went to Christchurch for a maths competition called Cantamath.

In my team there were Honor, Adison, Jacob and me, we placed in the top 5!! out of 100 schools!!

We passed only on one question and didn't figure out the last one because we run out of time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arielle!
    Congratulations! When Miss Power Snapchatted me your score, I was so impressed as that is one of the highest scores I think Grey Main has had in a long time!
    I hope you had a lot of fun whilst you were over in Christchurch (did you get to go to the mall?) Keep up the great work, it's great to see you posting on your blog!
    Miss H :-)


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